Call for Abstract

5th World Congress on Frontiers in Cancer Research and Therapy, will be organized around the theme “Innovative approaches and research in Cancer”

Frontiers In Cancer 2020 is comprised of 14 tracks and 22 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Frontiers In Cancer 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Cancer Therapy: Cancer Malignant growth will be treated by medical procedure, treatment, radiation, discharge medicinal guide, directed therapeutic guide and counterfeit bleakness. 
The decision of restorative guide relies on the arrangement and grade of the development and furthermore the phase of the ailment, comparably in light of the fact that the general condition of the patient.

Cancer treatment:  There are different types of cancer treatments in the world. some of them are Raditation Therapy, chemotherapy, Hromone Therapy, Immunotherapy and it can also be treated by surgery and diagonsis.

  • Track 1-1Chemotherapy
  • Track 1-2Cancer immunotherapy
  • Track 1-3Precision Medicine
  • Track 1-4Hormone Therapy

A malignancy biomarker alludes to a substance or procedure that is characteristic of the nearness of disease in the body. A biomarker might be an atom emitted by a tumor or a particular reaction of the body to the nearness of malignant growth. Hereditary, epigenetic, proteomic, glycomic, and imaging biomarkers can be utilized for malignancy finding, guess, and the study of disease transmission. In a perfect world, such biomarkers can be tested in non-intrusively gathered biofluids like blood or serum.

  • Track 2-1Imaging Biomarkers
  • Track 2-2Clinical Biomarkers
  • Track 2-3Genetic Biomarkers
  • Track 2-4Predictive Cancer Biomarkers
  • Track 2-5Molecular Biomarkers

Cancer awareness  programs are very much useful to save people at early stages and help them in taking precations before only. Expanded malignant growth mindfulness improves survival. Social and Economic Impact likewise hurt the nature of disease care. Individuals who are not monetarily not solid don't get great treatment. Malignant growth side effect mindfulness and disease survival are related. Disease Awareness Program is led by government and numerous associations to acquire the mindfulness the general population to diminish the malignancy levels and towards all oncology programs. Crusades should concentrate on improving mindfulness about malignant growth side effects, particularly in financially denied territories.

There are different types of alternative medicines to treat cancer for example Herbal medicines, homeopathic and therapies etc. Among all the Herbal medicines are the best way to cure Cancer and those medicines are prepared from plants or mixtures of plant extracts.

Alternative cancer treatments are elective malignant growth medicines may not assume an immediate job in relieving your disease, yet they may enable you to adapt to signs and side effects brought about by disease and malignant growth medications. Regular signs and manifestations, for example, uneasiness, exhaustion, queasiness and spewing, torment, trouble dozing, and stress might be decreased by elective medications.

  • Track 4-1Complementary medicine
  • Track 4-2Standard medical care
  • Track 4-3Integrative medicine

Numerous elements impact the improvement of disease. In the course of the most recent 25 years, science has demonstrated that eating routine, physical movement, and body weight—particularly being overweight or large—are significant hazard factors for building up specific sorts of disease. Around 33% of the most well-known tumors could be forestalled through way of life changes. The primary social and natural hazard factors for disease mortality on the planet are identified with abstain from food and physical latency, utilization of addictive substances, sexual and conceptive wellbeing and presentation to air contamination and utilization of debased needles. The body's capacity to oppose malignancy might be helped by following a sound eating routine, remaining physically dynamic, and maintaining a strategic distance from abundance muscle to fat ratio. Disease and tumor medicines can likewise influence your body's capacity to endure certain sustenances and utilize supplements.

Surgery is used to diagnose stage and treat cancer, and certain cancer-related symptoms. It is the branch of surgery applied to oncology; it focuses on the surgical management of tumors, especially cancerous tumors. Surgical oncology is a specialized area of oncology that engages surgeons in the cure and management of cancer. Whether a patient is a candidate for surgery depends on factors such as the type, size, location, grade and stage of the tumor, as well as general health factors such as age, physical fitness and other medical comorbidities. For many patients, surgery will be combined with other cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormone therapy.

  • Track 7-1curative surgery
  • Track 7-2palliative surgery
  • Track 7-3supportive surgery
  • Track 7-4Preventive surgery.

Radiation Oncology includes all parts of research that impacts on the treatment of disease utilizing radiation. Radiation can be given as a healing methodology, either alone or in mix with medical procedure as well as chemotherapy. It might likewise be utilized palliative, to diminish indications in patients with hopeless malignant growths. The Radiotherapy/radiation treatment is comprehensively divided into Teleradiotherapy, Brachy-radiotherapy and Metabolic Radiotherapy. Atomic prescription is a part of medication that utilizes radiation to give data about the working of an individual's particular organs or to treat malady. Restorative imaging is the procedure and procedure of making visual portrayals of the inside of a body for clinical investigation and therapeutic intercession, just as visual portrayal of the capacity of a few organs or tissues.

  • Track 8-1Stereotactic radiosurgery
  • Track 8-2Image-guided radiation therapy
  • Track 8-3Intraoperative radiation therapy
  • Track 8-43D conformal radiation therapy
Now a days there are very new researches are done in the field of Cancer and they are being succesfull.
Developments in Cancer Research and Regenerative Medicine unites prevalent researchers working in the fields of malignant growth science, disease treatment, malignancy conclusion, malignant growth aversion, and regenerative prescription to share data on their ebb and flow work and to help shape future treatments.
  • Track 9-1 Cancer Research
  • Track 9-2Regenerative Medicine

Growth pharmacology assumes a key part in sedate advancement. In both the lab and the facility,cancer pharmacology has needed to adjust to the changing face of medication improvement by building up exploratory models and target orientated methodologies. It additionally centers around creating trial ways to deal with the clinical treatment of growth through research that scaffolds the fields of atomic carcinogenesis, biochemical pharmacology, radiation science, and clinical pharmacology. It for the most part includes the pharmacological and oncological parts of medications at both.

The immune system’s natural capacity to detect and destroy abnormal cells may prevent the development of many cancers. However, cancer cells are sometimes able to avoid detection and destruction by the immune system. The latest exciting research breakthrough for cancer treatment is immune oncology. This type of treatment enhances the patient’s own immune system to stop the growing cancer cells. This treatment is with the    T-cells. These T-cells usually recognize cancer cells as being foreign and attack those cells. In this treatment the drugs will suppress the PD-L1 molecule that is available on the surface of the cancer cell and that will allow the T-cell to attack that cancer cells. The current research is mainly going on the Immuno-Oncology way with good growth rate and treatment success.


Breast cancer can begin in different areas of the breast; the ducts, the lobules, or in some cases, the tissue in between. In this section, we could include the different types of breast cancer, including non-invasive, invasive, recurrent, and metastatic breast cancers. Breast cancer is a phenomena that can even occur in men. Breast tissue contains fat and connective tissue, lymph nodesand blood vessels, they are made up of glands called tubules that can produce milk and thin tubes called ducts that carry the milk to the nipple. The most common type of breast Cancer is ductal Carcinoma. Breast Cancer can also begin in the cells of the lobules in other tissues in the breast.